Oddity Archive
Episode Guide
Season 1
Ep. 1: The Max Headroom Incident of 1987
Ep. 2: Emergency Broadcast Salute
Ep. 2.5: Donny Osmond - Soldier Of Love (Michael Bay Salute)
Ep. 3: TV Sign-Offs
Ep. 4: Local TV Special
Ep. 4.5: National Anthem Conspiracy Theory
Ep. 5: American EXXXtasy (and other C-band Nastiness)
Ep. 6: Conservative Folk Music
Ep. 6.5: Everlasting Love
Ep. 7: Format Wars
Ep. 8: 1-900 ARCHIVE
Ep. 8.5: The Max Headroom Incident of 1987 (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 9: Halloween Special 2012 (Strange VHS Endings)
Ep. 9.5: Sounds To Make You Shiver
Ep. 10: Captain Midnight/Vrillon
Ep. 11: Pay TV (but not Cable or Satellite)
Ep. 12: Top (Thanksgiving) Turkeys of the (19)90's
Ep. 13: Local TV Vol. 2 (Kiddie Show Hosts)
Ep. 13.5: TV Sign-Offs (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 14: Christmas Special 2012 (A Fair Use Christmas)
Ep. 15: Teletext Heaven (or Hell)
Ep. 16: Intermission
Ep. 17: Prehistoric Television
Ep. 18: gniksaM sdrawkcaB (Backwards Masking)
Ep. 18.5: Emergency Broadcast Salute (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 19: Valentine's Day Special (Dating Services)
Ep. 20: Local TV Vol. 3 (Public Access)
Ep. 20.5: Freedom Is A Hammer (Album Review)
Ep. 21: Protect & Survive
Ep. 22: Duck & Cover
Ep. 22.5: American EXXXtasy (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 23: Scary Logos (and other Nostalgic Video Terrors)
Ep. 24: Hell's Bells (The Dangers Of Rock And Roll)
Ep. 24.5: Greetings From The Stars (sort of)
Ep. 25: Employee Training Videos
Ep. 26: VHS Vault Vol. 1 (Amvest Video)
Season 1.5
Ep. 26.1: Ask The Archive
Ep. 26.2: Archive Riffs: Petaluma Chicken
Ep. 26.3: Local TV Special (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 26.4: Archive Riffs: Greedy Humpty Dumpty
Ep. 26.5: VHS Vault Vol. 1 (Amvest Video) (COMMENTARY)
Season 2
Ep. 27: Bicentennial Fever
Ep. 28: Record Rip-Offs
Ep. 28.5: Archive Riffs: Say No To Strangers
Ep. 29: VHS Vault Vol. 2 (Fashion Videos)
Ep. 30: LaserKaraoke (Archive LaserKaraoke Party!)
Ep. 30.5: National Anthem Conspiracy Theory (REDUX)
Ep. 31: Number Stations (and other Radio Oddities)
Ep. 32: The EAS Zombie Hoax of 2013
Ep. 33: 8-Tracks (or, The Care & Feeding Of Your 8-Track)
Ep. 34: VHS Vault Vol. 3 (Gambling Videos)
Ep. 35: Kiddie Disco Records
Ep. 35.5: Halloween Special 2012 (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 36: Halloween Special (Italian Dance Party/The Son Of Halloween Riffs)
Ep. 36.5: Hallmark Presents: Spooky Sounds
Ep. 37: Format Wars Vol. 2 (Pre-Betamax)
Ep. 38: VHS Vault Vol. 4 (VCR Games)
Ep. 38.5: Archive Riffs: Dining Together
Ep. 39: QUBE Interactive TV
Ep. 39.5: Christmas Special 2012 (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 40: A Bargain Bin Christmas (or, Ben's Holiday Hits!)
Ep. 40.5: Archive Riffs: A Christmas Fantasy
Ep. 41: Infomercials
Ep. 41.5: TV DX-ing
Ep. 42: Industrial Musicals (or, The Archive Sells Out!)
Ep. 43: Educational Film Salute (The Stock Footage Special!)
Ep. 43.5: Archive Riffs: Live & Learn
Ep. 44: Teknikel Diffikultees (Technical Difficulties)
Ep. 45: PSA's (or, The More You Know, The Less You Understand)
Ep. 45.5: Archive Riffs: Cigarette Commercials
Ep. 46: Interstitials
Ep. 47: A Tour of the Archive (or, Roll Up For The Magical, Myserious Archive Tour)
Ep. 47.5: Backwards Masking (Commentary)
Ep. 48: More Record Rip-Offs
Ep. 49: Test Cards (and Patterns)
Ep. 49.5: A Nice Pair (of early, European VCR's)
Ep. 50: Going Analog
Ep. 51: Weather Warnings
Ep. 51.5: Blooper Reel
Ep. 52: VHS Vault Vol. 5 (Y2K Apocalypse Party!)
Season 2.5
Ep. 52.1: VHS Vault Vol. 5 (Y2K Apocalypse Party!) (Commentary)
Ep. 52.2: Archive Riffs: Atomic Alert (Elementary Edition)
Ep. 52.3: Ben's Junk: Sony Super Betamax
Ep. 52.4: Ben's Junk: The Rejected Pilot (VideoNow PVD Player)
Ep. 52.5: Format Wars 2 (Commentary)
Season 3
Ep. 53: U-Matic (or, How I Spent My Summer)
Ep. 54: The Great Archive Treasure Hunt
Ep. 54.5: Ben's Junk: VHS Camcorder (RCA CC285)
Ep. 55: Return of the Son of Record Rip-Offs (or, Record Rip-Offs, Vol. 3)
Ep. 56: Macrovision (and one other nostalgic copy-protection hassle)
Ep. 56.5: The Great Archive Treasure Hunt (Commentary)
Ep. 57: LaserKaraoke Vol. 2 (Aqua Net Edition)
Ep. 58: Laserdiscs (and their children)
Ep. 58.5: Ben's Junk: Tascam Cassette Portastudio
Ep 59: Copy-Protection Vol. 2 (Odds and Ends)
Ep. 59.5: Halloween Special 2013 (Commentary)
Ep. 60: Shortwave DX-ing (or, Shortwave for Rank Amateurs)
Ep. 61: Hallmark Presents: The Sounds of Halloween
Ep. 62: Halloween Special 2014 (Archive Wares: Rejuvenique Facial System)
Ep. 63: Local TV Vol. 4 (Local Commercials)
Ep. 63.5: Ben's Junk: 8-Track/Cassette "Adaptor"
Ep. 64: Oddity Archive's Greatest Misses
Ep. 64.5: Ben's Junk: Multi-System VHS VCR (Hitachi VT-M768EM)
Ep. 65: Public Domain VHS Distributors (An Incomplete Overview)
Ep. 65.5: Ben's Junk: JVC S-VHS VCR (S7600U)
Ep. 66: Christmas Special 2014 (Santa Claus IS Watching You!)
Ep. 67: Future Oddities (Benny-boy Predicts)
Ep. 67.5: Ben's Junk: LaserKaraoke/Laserdisc Player (Pioneer CLD-S304)
Ep. 68: 1-900 ARCHIVE Vol. 2 (Operators Aren't Standing By!)
Ep. 68.5: 1-900 ARCHIVE Vol. 2 (Commentary)
Ep. 70: The DuMont Network
Ep. 70.5: The DuMont Network (Deleted Game Show Segment)
Ep. 69: VHS Vault Vol. 6 - How's Your Sex Life? (Valentine's Day Special)
Ep. 71: Video Games (A Non-Gamer's Perspective)
Ep. 71.5: Ben's Junk: Handheld Electronic Games
Ep. 72: Audiocassette-based Board Games
Ep. 73: Electronic Talking Oddity Archive! (Electronic Talking Board Games)
Ep. 73.5: Ben's Junk: B-Movies & Cult Classics
Ep. 74: Record Ripoffs Vol. 4 (For Vinyl Fetishists Only!)
Ep. 75: 3DO Interactive Multiplayer
Ep. 75.5: Ben Tries Finnish Candy
Ep. 76: Philips CD-I (Comapct Disc Interactive)
Ep. 77: WebTV (and one other early Internet/TV crossover)
Ep. 77.5: Ben's Junk: WebTV Box
Ep. 78: The Death of Analog TV
Season 3.5
Ep. 78.1: The Death of Analog TV (Commentary)
Ep. 78.2: Ben's Junk: Super 8 Sound Projector (Sears Sound II - Model 9258)
Ep. 78.3: Archive Riffs: Self-Conscious Guy
Ep. 78.4: VHS Vault Vol. 6 (Valentine's Day Special 2015) (Commentary)
Ep. 78.5: (Unofficial) Ben's Junk: Philips CD-I (Model 220)
Season 4
Ep. 79: Microbroadcasting (or, Oddity Archive Goes Part 15!)
Ep. 80: Stereo Test Records (or, The Official Oddity Archive Stereo Test!)
Ep. 80.5: Ben's Junk: 8-Track (and related) Oddities)
Ep. 81: Nanny Boxes (TV Content Filters)
Ep. 82: LaserKaraoke Vol. 3 (& VCD Karaoke Vol. 1)
Ep. 82.5: Ben's Junk: Sony DT-30 (External VCR Timer)
Ep. 83: CB Radio (or, Breaker, Breaker 1-9! Mercy Sakes! Gonna Blow Your Doors In, Chicken Inspector!)
Ep. 83.5: Ben Tries Bonomo's Turkish Taffy
Ep. 84: VHS Vault Vol. 7 (It's My Party--And I'll Sigh If I Want To)
Ep. 84.5: Ben's Junk: Rejuvenique Revisited
Ep. 85: Record Ripoffs Vol. 5 (Pickwick: Picked Over)
Ep. 85.5: Halloween Special 2014 (Archive Wares: Rejuvenique) (Commentary)
Ep. 86: Fisher-Price PXL 2000 Camcorder
Ep. 86.5: An Overly Nostalgic Halloween (or, For The Want Of A Pail)
Ep. 86.6: For The Want Of A Pail (Conclusion)
Ep. 87: VCR Ephemera
Ep. 87.5: Ben's Junk: Fisher-Price PXL 2000 Camcorder
Ep. 88: Action Max (VHS Video Game Console)
Ep. 88.5: Ben Tries (Thanksgiving Edition) (or, Ben Tries Australian Stuff)
Ep. 89: Prehistoric Pay-Per-View
Ep. 89.5: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Ep. 90: Ben's Holiday Grab Bag (Christmas Special 2015)
Ep. 90.5: Archive Riffs: A Christmas Dream
Ep. 91: VCR Rabbit (or, Microbroadcasting Vol. 2)
Ep. 92: Capacitance Electronic Discs (or, CED's)
Ep. 92.5: Ben's CED Collection (Deleted Segment from CED Episode)
Ep. 93: VHS Vault Vol. 8 (More VCR Games)
Ep. 93.5: Ben's Junk: Guitars! Guitars!! Guitars!!!
Ep. 94: Prevue Channel(s)
Ep. 94.5: Ben's Junk: Ben's Philips CD-I Collection
Ep. 95: Airline Safety Videos
Ep. 96: Ham Radio (A Beginner's Perspective)
Ep. 96.5: Ben's Junk: Philips CD-I Peacekeeper Revolver
Ep. 97: Calibration & Test Laserdiscs
Ep. 97.5: Ben's Junk: Ben's (Incomplete) Comedy LP Collection
Ep. 98: Adult Party Albums
Ep. 98.5: Ben's Junk: Fisher-Price Movie Viewer
Ep. 99: Disposable DVD's (DIVX & Flexplay)
Ep. 100: Commodore 64
Ep. 100.5: Ben's Junk: Commodore 64 (& Peripherals)
Ep. 101: VHS Vault Vol. 9 (Your New Computer & You)
Ep. 101.5: Ben's Junk: Sony TT-100 Tuner/Timer
Ep. 102: VHS Game Consoles Vol. 2 (Captain Power & View Master Interactive Vision)
Season 4.5
Ep. 102.1: Commodore 64 (Commentary)
Ep. 102.2: Ben's Junk:VCR Co-Pilot
Ep. 102.3: Archive Riffs: Fox Hour Promotional Reel
Ep. 102.4: Record Ripoffs (Commentary)
Ep. 102.5: Magnavox Odyssey 2 (Video Game Console)
Season 5
Ep. 103: How I Spent My Summer III (Super Betamax/Software-Defined Radio (SDR)/Talking House Transmitter)
Ep. 103.5: Ben's Junk: Colecovision Video Game Console
Ep. 104: Record Ripoffs Vol. 6 (98% 70's-Free!)
Ep. 105: Home Shopping Channels
Ep. 105.5: Ben's Junk: (Some of) Ben's Vinyl Collection
Ep. 106: LaserKaraoke Vol. 4 (+ VHS Karaoke Vol. 1)
Ep. 106.5: Ben's Junk: "The Voice" Module (for Magnavox Odyssey 2)
Ep. 107: Ben's Random Audiocassette Haul
Ep. 107.5: Flexplay Disposable DVD Update
Ep. 108: Talking House Transmitter Redux (or, Part 15 Microbroadcasting: The Final Chapter?)
Ep. 108.5: Ben's Junk: Fisher-Price Star Station Sing-Along Machine
Ep. 109: The Official Oddity Archive Guide To Retro A/V
Ep. 110: Betamax
Ep. 110.5: Fisher-Price PXL-2000 Camcorder (Commentary)
Ep. 111: Conelrad (Halloween Special 2016)
Ep. 111.5: Ben's Junk: bob (Another Nanny Box)
Ep. 112: VHS Vault Vol. 10 (Learning With The Stars)
Ep. 112.5: Ben's Junk: DVD Recorder (Panasonic DMR-E55)
Ep. 113: Top 10 Gaming Turkeys (of the 80's & 90's)
Ep. 114: The Official Oddity Archive® Idiot’s Guide To A/V Transfer
Ep. 114.5: Ben's Junk: Gemmy Douglas Fir Talking Christmas Tree
Ep. 115: Christmas Special 2016 (A Musical Masochist's Christmas)
Ep. 116: VideoGuide (+2 other early Interactive Program Guides)
Ep. 116.5: Ben's Junk: Ben's Comic Book Collection
Ep. 117: Local TV Vol. 5 (More Local Commercials)
Ep. 118: VHS Vault Vol. 11 (D-I-V-O-R-C-E)
Ep. 119: Random Kiddie Records
Ep. 119.5: Ben's Junk: Learn To Solder Kit
Ep. 120: Minidisc
Ep. 120.5: Ben's Junk: MD Walkman (Minidisc Addendum)
Ep. 121: Ben Vs. The Reel-To-Reel
Ep. 121.5: Ben's Junk: RCA Selectavision (SGT 250)
Ep. 122: DBX Noise Reduction System
Ep. 122.5: Ben's Junk: Ben's Audiophile Albums
Ep. 123: Ben's Random Reel-To-Reel Haul
Ep. 124: Useless VHS Tapes
Ep. 124.5: Ben's Junk: VTech Socrates Educational Video System
Ep. 125: Going (Proto-)Mobile! (Sony Data Discman & Apple Newton)
Ep. 125.5: Ben's Junk: Videocipher II Plus/Manhattan Cable TV Box
Ep. 126: Video Magazines (or, Oddity Archive: Issue #126)
Season 5.5
Ep. 126.1: Ben's Junk: go reader (Audiobook Device)
Ep. 126.2: Archive Riffs: Dear Miss Gloria
Ep. 126.3: DBX Noise Reduction System (Commentary)
Ep. 126.4: Ben's Junk: Las Vegas Vacation (1997)
Season 6
Ep. 127: How I Spent My Summer IV (Ben Vs. Laserdisc Audio & Turntable Tune-up)
Ep. 127.5: Ben's 10 Favorite Albums (Part 1)
Ep. 128: Record Ripoffs Vol. 7 (Revenge of the 70's!)
Ep. 128.5: Ben's 10 Favorite Albums (Part 2)
Ep. 129: Elvis Has(n't) Left The Building (Elvisploitation)
Ep. 129.5: Ben's Junk: MFSL Geo-Tape (Azimuth Alignment Cassette)
Ep. 130: Tape Baking (A Quasi-Documentary on Sticky-Shed Syndrome)
Ep. 130.5: Ben's Junk: DBX Cassettes (DBX Addendum)
Ep. 131: LaserKaraoke Vol. 5 (+ Assorted VHS & VCD Karaoke)
Ep. 131.5: Ben's Junk: MFSL Geo-Disc (Turntable Cartridge Alignment Tool)
Ep. 132: Playtape & Aroma Disc (or, The Anti-Audiophile Files)
Ep. 132.5: Ben’s Junk: (New) Speed Calibration Cassette
Ep. 133: As Seen On TV! (Mail-Order & Infomercial-Style Commercials)
Ep. 133.5: Ben's Junk: CVS One-Time-Use Camcorder
Ep. 134: Ben's Palm PDA's (& Camera "Spy" Glasses)
Ep. 134.5: Conelrad (Halloween Special 2016) (Commentary)
Ep. 135: "Telecine" Film Transfer (A Nightmare In Celluloid) (Halloween Special 2017)
Ep. 135.5: Ben’s Junk: The World of Yesterday (& other Classic Hollywood Fanzines)
Ep. 136: VHS Vault Vol. 12 (Child Safety Videos)
136.5: Ben's Junk: Realistic Phono Pre-Amp (Model 42-2109)
Ep. 137: The Max Headroom Incident Revisited (30 Years On)
Ep. 137.5: Ben's Junk: Vidicraft Vidimate Video Enhancer (Model VDM300S)
Ep. 138: Dynagroove & Friends (Vinyl Oddities)
Ep. 138.5: Ben's Junk: Star Shower Laser Light
Ep. 139: Christmas Special 2017 (Ben's Christmas Clunkers)
Ep. 139.5: Ben's Junk: Sankyo Dualux Dual8 Projector (Model 2000H)
Ep. 140: Phoney Nostalgia
Ep. 140.5: Ben's Junk: Allsop 3 Orbitrac Record Cleaning System
Ep. 141: Ben's Random Audiocassette Haul #2
Ep. 141.5: Ben’s Junk: JVC KD-A6 Cassette Deck
Ep. 142: Ben's Music Career, Vol. 1 (The Outsider Years, Pt. 1)
Ep. 142.5: Ben's Junk: Discwasher Compact Disc Cleaner
Ep. 143: Dolby Noise Reduction (The Hard Way)
Ep. 143.5: Ben's Junk: Royal Disc Repair System
Ep. 144: Laserdisc, Vinyl & Cassette Computer Programs
Ep. 144.5: Ben's Junk: The Archive HQ Bookshelf
Ep. 145: VHS Vault Vol. 13 (Movin' Out)
Ep. 145.5: Ben’s Junk: MP32C64 Adapter (Commodore Datasette Substitute)
Ep. 146: Silent-Era Talking Pictures
Ep. 146.5: Archive Thrifting #1: Impromptu Investigations
Ep. 147: Vinyl Potpourri
Ep. 147.5: Archive Thrifting #2: Arc Of A (Dumpster) Diver
Ep. 148: Loudness Wars
Ep. 148.5: Ben's Junk: K-Tel Record Selector
Ep. 149: Ben Vs. The Reel-To-Reel (Round 2)
Ep. 149.5: Ben's Junk: Teac V-770 Cassette Deck
Ep. 150: Local Flavor (Part 1: Nostalgia)
Ep. 150.5: Discovision Dead Sides
Ep. 151: Local Flavor (Part 2: Anti-Nostalgia)
Season 6.5
Ep. 151.1: Ben's Junk: ABC Talking Monday Might Football
Ep. 151.2: Archive Riffs: Selling Your Home?
Ep. 151.3: Archive Thrifting #3 (Beautiful Downtown Aurora's Last Stand)
Season 7
Ep. 152: How I Spent My Summer V: The New Frontier
Ep. 152.5: Ben's Junk: Rocketfish Wireless Rear Speaker Kit
Ep. 153: Record Ripoffs Vol. 8 ('80's & '90's Hits!)
Ep. 153.5: Ben's Junk: Audio Technica AT-LP120 Turntable (Early Thoughts)
Ep. 154: Ben's Music "Career" Vol. 2 (The Outsider Years: Pt. 2)
Ep. 154.5: Ben's Junk: Ben's Makeshift Bedroom Stereo System
Ep. 155: The Archive Drive-In Movie Theater (or, more fun with Part 15 microbroadcasting)
Ep. 155.5: Ben's Junk: Ramsey FM Transmitter (Further Experiments)
Ep. 156: VHS Vault Vol. 14 (Be Cruel About Fire Safety)
Ep. 156.5: Archive Thrifting #4: Elvis Sightings
Ep. 157: LaserKaraoke Vol. 6 (Repeat Offenders)
Ep. 157.5: Archive Thrifting #5: Low Money Hu$tla
Ep. 158: Pioneer CLD-D605 (or, Laserdiscs, Vol. 2)
Ep. 158.5: Sounds of Terror! (Halloween Album Review)
Ep. 159: Emergency Broadcast Salute, Vol. 2 (Halloween Special 2018)
Ep. 159.5: Ben's Junk: Pac-Man Fever (Pac-Man Tiny Arcades)
Ep. 160: Philips DCC (Digital Compact Cassette)
Ep. 160.5: Archive Riffs: Thanksgiving Commercials
Ep. 161: Vinyl Potpourri Vol. 2 (Deeper Cuts)
Ep. 161.5: Ben's Junk: NES Classic Edition (The Last Word?)
Ep. 162: Ben Vs. The Mo(u)ldy Mystery PAL VHS Tapes
Ep. 163: Christmas Special 2018 (Ben's Christmas Crackers)
Ep. 163.25: Christmas LaserKaraoke (Deleted Segment)
Ep. 163.5: Ben's Junk: Nagaoka MP-110H Phono Cartridge
Ep. 163.75: Ben's Junk: Sega Pico ("Edutainment" Console)
Ep. 164: DBX Noise Reduction Revisited
Ep. 164.5: Ben's Junk: SNES Classic Edition ((Belated) First Impressions)
Ep. 164.75: Ben's Junk: Tyco VideoCam
Ep. 165: Local TV Vol. 6 (More Public Access)
Ep. 165.5: Archive Riffs: Valentine’s Day Commercials (A Semi-Romantic Tale)
Ep. 166: Ben's ONTV Box/Non-Cable Pay TV Vol. 2
Ep. 166.5: Archive Thrifting #6: Frostbite Falls
Ep. 167: The Care & Feeding of Audiocassettes
Ep. 167.5: Ben's Junk: Ronco Mr. Microphone
Ep. 168: Cult VHS Distributors Vol. 1 (Something Weird & Rhino)
Ep. 168.5: Ben's Junk: GAF Super 8 Sound Film Projector
Ep. 169: Laserdisc Games (but not LaserActive or Arcade)
Ep. 169.5: Ben's Junk: The Big Reel (Film Collector's Magazine)
Ep. 170: Ben's Music "Career", Vol. 3 (The Transitional Years)
Ep. 170.5: Discovision/Laserdisc Quirks (An Informal Discussion)
Ep. 171: Mystery 8mm Films/The Ballad of Ben & 8mm
Ep. 171.5: Discovision Dead Sides Vol. 2
Ep. 172: VHS Vault Vol. 15 (Potty All The Time)
Ep. 172.5: Ben’s Junk: VGA Converters/Public Domain CD-ROMs
Ep. 173: The Branson Tapes
Season 7.5
Ep. 173.1: Ben's Junk: Innovative Technologies ITNS-500 Slide "Scanner"
Ep. 173.2: Archive Riffs: Clutch Cargo (Big "X", Pts. 4 & 5)
Ep. 173.3: Mystery 8mm Films/The Ballad of Ben & 8mm (Commentary)
Ep. 173.4: Archive Thrifting #7: Wii, Wii, All The Way Home
Season 8
Ep. 174: How I Spent My Summer VI (The Great A/V Overhaul of 2019)
Ep. 175: Record Ripoffs Vol. 9 (HITS on the '60's!)
Ep. 175.5: Ben's Junk: Video Action Magazine (Issue #1: December, 1980)
Ep. 176: The Right Way To Tape Record (1965-Style)
Ep. 176.5: Ben's Junk: Ben's Laserdisc Collection (2019 Edition)
Ep. 177: Scanimate
Ep. 177.5: Fostex X-14 Cassette Multitracker/Ben's Music "Career": The Gear
Ep. 178: Local TV Vol. 7: Dialing For Dollars (& other Franchised Game Shows)
Ep. 178.5: Ben's Junk: Whippany Rhythm Master (Circa 1972 Drum Machine)
Ep. 179: LaserKaraoke Vol. 7 (Golden Moldies)
Ep. 179.5: Ben's Junk: Burns Theremin
Ep. 180: Employee Training Videos Vol. 2 (Loss Prevention)
Ep. 180.5: Archive Thrifting #8: Break IT You Pay For IT
Ep. 181: Random Reel-To-Reel Vol. 2 (featuring "The Ballad of Tom")
Ep. 181.5: Haunted House (Halloween SFX Album Review)
Ep. 182: After Hours (Transmitter Maintenance) (Halloween Special 2019)
Ep. 182.5: Ben's Junk: Realistic Concertmate (Moog) MG-1 Synthesizer
Ep. 183: Video8 (8mm video) (and its children)
Ep. 183.5: Ben's Junk: Sony DCR-TRV320 Digital8 Handycam (Video8 Addendum)
Ep. 184: Top 10 Earworms (to date)
Ep. 184.1: Ben's Junk: Archer Video Processor/Stabilizer (Model 15-1272A)
Ep. 184.2: Algorithmic Audio Mastering (CloudBounce Review)
Ep. 184.3: Archive Thrifting #9: Christmas Confidential
Ep. 185: Christmas Special 2019 (Ben's Christmas Kookies)
Ep. 185.5 Archive Riffs: Boxing Day Commercials (er, Adverts)
Ep. 186: Future Oddities 2: A Kissoff To The 2010's
Ep. 186.5: MovieCD
Ep. 187: History of VHS, Vol. 1 (The '70's)
Ep. 187.5: Ben’s Junk: Cult VHS (& a few DVD’s) (2020 Edition)
Ep. 188: Theatrical Policy Trailers
Ep. 188.5: Ben's Junk: Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD Audio Interface
Ep. 189: VHS (& Beta) Vault Vol. 16 (A (cautious) Romantic Tale)
Ep. 189.5: Ben's Junk: Behringer Neutron (Analog, Monophonic) Synthesizer
Ep. 190: Special Bulletins (or, We Interrupt This Archive...)
Ep. 190.5: Ben's Junk: Industrial Laserdiscs/Anderic (Reproduction) Service Remote)
Ep. 191: Ben's Music "Career", Vol. 4: Greetings From Elderbush Gulch
Ep. 191.5: Ben's Music "Career", Vol. 4.5: Greetings From Elderbush Gulch Multitracks (an addendum)
Ep. 192: Jukebox Network (& other UHF Music Video Channels)
Ep. 192.5: Enhanced CD's (& other multimedia CD's) (an informal chat)
Ep. 193: Ben's Random Audiocassette Haul #3
Ep. 193.5: Ben's Junk: The OA (semi-)Supercomputer/The OA Recording Studio Redux
Ep. 194: History of VHS, Vol. 2 (Format Wars & VHS-C)
Ep. 194.5: Ben's Junk: Sony SLO-325 Industrial Betamax
Ep. 195: Local TV Vol. 8 (Even More Local Commercials)
Ep. 195.5: Ben's Junk: 1953 & 1956 Hoffman Television Catalogs
Ep. 196: (Semi-)Lost TV Series (Personal Favorites)
Ep. 196.5: Ben's Junk: Tiger Quiz Wiz
Ep. 197: Switched-On Archive (Carlosploitation)
Season 8.5
Ep. 197.1: Ben's Junk: First Alert FTR-960R Time-Lapse VCR (+ Time-Lapse Tape)
Ep. 197.2: Archive Riffs: Moving Up To Amateur Radio
Ep. 197.3: Archive Thrifting #10: Before We Were So Rudely Interrupted
Ep. 197.4: Ben's Junk: Sony U-Matic & Industrial Betamax Wired Remotes
Season 9
Ep. 198: How I Spent My Summer VII (A Change of Plans)
Ep. 198.5: Archive Thrifting #11: This Can Not Be The Right Price Deal
Ep. 199: Record Ripoffs Vol. 10 (A Tribute To...)
Ep. 199.5: Ben's Junk: Pioneer RH-65 8-Track Deck
Ep. 199.75: Ben's Junk: Denon UD-M30 CD Receiver
Ep. 200: Oddity Archive: Behind The Box (A Documentary)
Ep. 200.5: Ep. 200 Rebuttal & Deleted Scenes
Ep. 201: Early Color Film (but not Technicolor)
Ep. 202: History of VHS Vol. 3 (S-VHS)
Ep. 202.5: Ben's Junk: JVC HR-S7600U S-VHS ET VCR (REVISITED)
Ep. 203: Cheesy Logos
Ep. 203.5: Ben's Junk: Buster Keaton Video Collection
Ep. 204: Pioneer Promotional Laserdiscs
Ep. 204.5: Archive Thrifting #12: (Not-so) Scary Deals
Ep. 205: VHS Vault Vol. 17 (Vampires & Pumpkins) (Halloween Special 2020)
Ep. 205.5: Ben's Junk: (New) Polaroid 600 Film (& old camera(s))
Ep. 206: Benny's Birthday Bash
Ep. 206.5: Ben's Junk: (Some of) Ben's Audiocassette Collection
Ep. 207: OA Lost Classics (or, The Ones That Got OA)
Ep. 207.5: Ben's Junk: (New) Dubreq Stylophone
Ep. 208: The Ballad of Raymond Rohauer
Ep. 208.5: Archive Thrifting #13: Deck The Hauls
Ep. 209: Christmas Special 2020 (Chunks of Christmas Coal)
Ep. 210: PSA's Vol. 2 (or, Only You Can Prevent PSA's)
Ep. 211: Prehistoric Videotape (The Road To Quadruplex)
Ep. 211.5: Ben's Junk: (Some of) Ben's Vinyl Collection Vol. 2
Ep. 212: Ben's Music "Career", Vol. 5 (Minn-Knot/The End?)
Ep. 212.5: Ben's Junk: Sega Genesis Mini
Ep. 213: Ben Vs. The Space-Race Tapes
Ep. 213.5: Home Video Recording, 1972-Style (or, Ben's Complete U-Matic Rig)
Ep. 214: Ben Vs. The Wheel Of Fortune TV Play-Along
Ep. 214.1: Ben's Junk: Toshiba 20AF43 CRT TV
Ep. 214.2: Archive Thrifting #14: (Non-)Luck of the (Non-)Irish
Ep. 215: Cheap Radio Thrills
Ep. 215.5: Phonies (Answering Machine Greetings)
Ep. 216: Weather Warnings Vol. 2 (Looks Like We're In For Nasty Weather)
Ep. 216.5: Archive Riffs: A Taxing Set of Commercials (Tax Day Special)
Ep. 217: KeyFax Rides Again (Teletext in the U.S.)
Ep. 217.5: Ben's Junk: GPX Digital TV Tuner + Recorder
Ep. 218: VHS Vault Vol. 18 (So You Wanna Be A Rock N' Roll Star)
Ep. 218.5: A Geeky Evening With Benny-Boy
Ep. 219: Gag Reels
Ep. 219.5: Ben's Junk: ClonerAlliance Box Pro (Video Capture Device)
Ep. 220: History of VHS, Vol. 4 (D-VHS/Demise & Resurrection)
Season 9.5
Ep. 220.1: Ben's Junk: JVC HM-DH30000U & Mitsubishi HD-HS2000u D-VHS VCR's
Ep. 220.2: Episode 200 (Behind The Box) (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 220.3: Archive Thrifting #15: Out Of This World Deals
Ep. 220.4: Ben's Junk: Akai GX-220 Reel-To-Reel Audiotape Deck
Season 10
Ep. 221: How I Spent My Summer VIII (Ben Vs. The Sony AV-3600 Videocorder)
Ep. 221.1: Ben's Casino Travelogue (Deleted Segment from HISMS VIII)
Ep. 221.2: Archive Thrifting #16: La Cage Aux Thrifting
Ep. 222: Record Ripoffs Vol. 11 ('80's Hits: Woodgrain & Neon)
Ep. 222.5: VCR Cleaning (A Public Service Video)
Ep. 223: USA Networkisms (A Willfully Premature Eulogy)
Ep. 223.1: Channel Update (9/2021) (Sony AV-3600 Update, Sencore VA62, etc.)
Ep. 223.2: VCR Rabbit Revisited
Ep. 224: Random CD's
Ep. 224.5: Ben's Junk: Video Store Regulars (& Memories)
Ep. 225: Silent Treatment (A Celebration of Silent Movie Day)
Ep. 225.5: Ben’s Junk: Wolverine Moviemaker Pro 8mm & Super8 Film Scanner
Ep. 226: Dodgy Demo DVD's
Ep. 226.5: Archive Thrifting #17: Spooktacular Savings
Ep. 227: Benny M.'s TV Party (Halloween Special 2021)
Ep. 227.5: Ben's Junk: Sony Digital Mavica (Model MVC-FD73, Floppy Disk Digital Camera From 1999)
Ep. 228: Bad '80's Syndicated Sitcoms
Ep. 228.5: Ben's Junk: Coolmusic Ring Modulator (& other FX) ("Max Headroom" Hijacker Voice)
Ep. 229: OA's Greatest Commercials
Ep. 229.5: Ben's Junk: Christmas TV VHS & DVD's
Ep. 230: FBI Film Raids & Betamax Blues
Ep. 230.5: Archive Thrifting #18: Shortwave Santa
Ep. 231: Christmas Special 2021 (A Good Ol' Archive Christmas)
Ep. 231.5: Ben's Junk: Keyfax Update/Pioneer GGF1381 Laserdisc Service Remote/Discovision Dead Sides Vol. 3
Ep. 232: PCM Audio on Videotape (Betamax, VHS & U-Matic)
Ep. 232.5: Ben's Junk: VuPoint Digital Video Converter (or, the circa 2010 YouTube video device)
Ep. 233: Overplayed Commercials (1960's - 2001)
Ep. 233.5: Ben's Junk: The Clapper
Ep. 234: Valentine's Day Special 2022 (It's A Love Thing)
Ep. 234.5: Laserdisc Laser Rot
Ep. 235: Vinyl Potpourri Vol. 3 (Gimmick Records)
Ep. 235.5: Ben's Junk: Magnus Chord Organ
Ep. 236: Prehistoric UHF (Early UHF TV in the U.S.)
Ep. 236.5: Ben's Junk: Blonder-Tongue BTX-111 "Ultraverter" (& ONTV Pay TV Box Update)
Ep. 237: Cult VHS Distributors Vol. 2 (Sinister Cinema & Vestron Video)
Ep. 237.5: Ben's Junk: Prog & Metal VHS, Beta & Laserdiscs
Ep. 238: VHS Vault Vol. 19 (Business Scams)
Ep. 238.5: Ben's Junk: Newtek Calibar (A Pen-Sized Test Pattern Generator)
Ep. 239: Radio Stunting
Ep. 239.5: Ben's Junk: Hotronic AP41 (Frame Synchronizer & Time Base Corrector)
Ep. 240: Ben Vs. The Massey-Ferguson Tapes
Ep. 240.1: CD Frustrations & Easter Eggs
Ep. 240.2: A Tour of the New Computer Rig (2022)
Ep. 241: Early MP3 Players (Diamond Rio & RCA Lyra 2)
Ep. 241.5: Ben's Junk: Sony CVM-51UW & Panasonic WV-BM990 CRT Monitors
Ep. 242: CX Audio Noise Reduction (The Hard Way)
Season 10.5
Ep. 242.1: The Eraser Laserdisc Experiment
Ep. 242.2: Archive Thrifting #19: Radios, Radios
Ep. 242.3: Archive Riffs: Hey, Stop That!
Ep. 242.4: Ben's Junk: Midland WR400 NOAA Weather Radio (& other Radio Ramblings)
Season 11
Ep. 242.5: Ben's Junk: Sony SRF-A100 AM/AM Stereo/FM Portable Radio
Ep. 243: In Search of AM Stereo (or, How I Spent My Summer IX)
Ep. 243.1: Archive Thrifting #20: Fair(mont) (St.) Clouds over Mankato
Ep. 243.2: Ben Repairs: Radio Shack Executive Stress Eliminator
Ep. 244: Record Ripoffs Vol. 12 (Gon' Country)
Ep. 244.5: Sony Videocorders Update (CV-2100 & AV-3600) (8/2022)
Ep. 245: Bad(?) '90's Syndicated Sitcoms
Ep. 245.5: Ben's Junk: Tyler Portable TV (Model TTV701-7)
Ep. 246: The Ballad of Peter Lemongello
Ep. 246.1: Ben's Junk: Sears Whisper-Matic IV Slide Projector (& Victorian-Era Movie Theater Slides)
Ep. 246.2: Ben's Junk: Ben's Blackhawk Films Collection (minus the videotapes)
Ep. 247: The Warped Afterlives of Metropolis & Phantom of the Opera (Silent Movie Day 2022)
Ep. 247.5: Ben's Junk: Sony Trinitron PVM 1343-MD (Professional Video Monitor)
Ep. 248: 8mm (& Super 8) Souvenir Films
Ep. 248.5: Archive Thrifting #21: We Already Have Halloween At Home
Ep. 248.75 Benny M.'s TV Party (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 249: The Phantom of the Archive (Halloween Special 2022)
Ep. 249.5: Halloween Soecial 2022 Blooper Reel
Ep. 250: VHS Vault Vol. 20 (High-Concept Videos)
Ep. 250.5: Ben's Junk: Telemeter Pay TV Box (Circa 1960)
Ep. 251: Oddity Archive's Greatest Hits (according to YouTube)
Ep. 251.5: Ben's Junk: Favorite (and/or Notable) Christmas Albums
Ep. 252: Ben Vs. The Elmo Super 8 Camera (or, Super 8 Film in 2022)
Ep. 252.5: Archive Thrifting #22: Christmas In Elbonia
Ep. 253: Christmas (C)Rapping (Christmas Special 2022)
Ep. 253.1: Archive Thrifting #23: Holiday Hangover
Ep. 253.2: Magna-Guard (or, Copy-Protection, Vol. 3)
Ep. 254: (Bad) Movie-Based Sitcoms
Ep. 254.5: Ben's Junk: RCA BW003 (1978 Home Video Camera)
Ep. 255: Weather Warnings Vol. 3 (Winter Edition)
Ep. 255.5: Ben's Junk: Forbidden KLAK (via the Archer Multiple Video Distribution System)
Ep. 256: Pointless Products (or, As Seen on TV Commercials, Vol. 2)
Ep. 256.5: Ben's Junk: Realistic (Radio Shack) FM Wireless Lavalier Microphone System (Circa 1988)
Ep. 257: Laserdisc Video Magazines (or, Video Magazines, Vol. 2)
Ep. 257.5: Ben's Junk: (Some of) Ben's TV-on-DVD Collection
Ep. 258: Disco Beaver From Outer Space (& other Early Cable TV-isms)
Ep. 258.5: Ben's Junk: Hitachi Visionbook Pro 7560 Laptop (or, My 1st, failed attempt at a Windows 98 Rig)
Ep. 259: Philips CD-I Vol. 2 (More Revelations)
Ep. 259.5: Ben's Junk: Ben's Mad Magazine Stash
Ep. 260: Mad Magazine...'s Foray's Into Other Media
Ep. 260.5: Noelle's Mystery Tapes (& Channel Update - 4/2023)
Ep. 261: VHS Vault Vol. 21 (How To Outwit THE MAN)
Ep. 261.5: Ben's Junk: 80's Music Videos (on Laserdisc)
Ep. 262: The Early Betamax (& others) Subculture
Ep. 262.5: Ben's Ugly A/V Rack
Ep. 262.75: Betacam SP (1st Test...From A Newbie's Perspective)
Ep. 263: American Forces Network (AFN) TV Ephemera
Ep. 264: Ben Vs The Quasar Great TIme Machine
Ep. 265: The Quasar Great Time Machine (VX Video Format)
Season 11.5
Ep. 265.1: Christmas Morning on a June Evening (or, Mail Day From Tyrone)
Ep. 265.2: Archive Thrifting #24: The Delicate Sound of Thrifting
Ep. 265.3: Ben's Junk: X-10 Videosender (another VCR Rabiit-esque device)
Ep. 265.4: Revenge of the Sony AV-3600 Videocorder (1st Test)
Season 12
Ep. 266: In Search of AM Stereo REDUX (or, How I Spent My Summer X)
Ep. 266.1: Archive Thrifting #25: 3M (Moderate Minnesota Madness)
Ep. 266.2: Fix It or Forget It? (NEC S-VHS Deck)
Ep. 267: Record Ripoffs Vol. 13 (At The Movies)
Ep. 267.5: Ben's Junk: 1966 (partial) Zenith Phonevision Pay TV Box
Ep. 268: Random (Video) Reel-To-Reel
Ep. 268.5: Ben's Junk: SelecTV Pay TV Box
Ep. 269: Odditytoberfest (A Smorgasbord of Musical Meatballs)
Ep. 269.5: Ben's Junk: ClonerAlliance ViewLiteAV (Video Capture Device)
Ep. 270: VHS (& Betamax) Public Domain Oddities (Silent Movie Day 2023)
Ep. 270.1: Ben's Junk: Sears Du-All Eight (8mm Viewer/Editor)
Ep. 270.2: Archive Thrifting #26: Indian Summer
Ep. 270.3: Archive Thrifting #27: Count Benny's House of Thrifting
Ep. 271: Season of the WInce (Halloween Special 2023)
Ep. 272: Great Comedians (Not-So-Great Sitcoms)
Ep. 273: Ben's Favorite OA Episodes
Ep. 273.5: Ben's Junk: Sharp VL-E47 "Viewcam" (Video8 Camcorder, Circa 1995)
Ep. 274: VHS (& Beta) Vault Vol. 22 (Meet Your New VCR)
Ep. 274.5: Archive Thrifting #28: Scandalous Santa
Ep. 275: Cruel Yule (Christmas Special 2023)
Ep. 275.1: Archive Thrifting #29: Christmas Leftovers
Ep. 275.2: Ben's Junk: Ben's Rifftrax DVD & Blu-Ray Collection
Ep. 276: TBS Networkisms
Ep. 276.1: Ben's Junk: Denon RCD-N10 CD Receiver
Ep. 276.2: Ben's Junk: Magnavix H2160MW9 (or, Exploring Someone's Old Personal DVR)
Ep. 277: Cable In The Classroom/Channel One News
Ep. 277.1: Ben's Junk: Wometco Home Theatre (WHT) Pay TV Decoder Box
Ep. 277.2: Ben’s Junk: ClearClick Video2USB/A Tour of Ben’s Livestream Setup
Ep. 277.3: How To Unstretch Video (via HandBrake)
Ep. 278: Local TV Vol. 9 (Commercials, Go Fourth)
Ep. 278.1: Ben's Junk: Laser Video FIle Laserdisc Catalog (Mid-1992)
Ep. 278.2: Ben's Junk: Some More of Ben's Audiocassette Collection (Mystery Box!)
Ep. 278.3: Magnavox H2160MW9 Personal DVR/DVD Recorder UPDATE (A Failure)
Ep. 279: Random Audiocassettes Vol. 4 (Cheese N' Sleaze)
Ep. 279.1: Ben's Junk: Videolok (VCR Anti-Theft Device)
Ep. 279.2: Ben's Junk: Rhoades Teledapter (TV Stereo Simulator)
Ep. 279.3: Windows 98 Laptop Update (4/2024)
Ep. 280: TV Record Offer Greats (Slim Whitman & Boxcar Willie)
Ep. 280.1: CD Rot Rant
Ep. 280.2: Ben A.'s Mystery Tapes (A Not-So-Livestream)
Ep. 280.3: Windows 98 Laptop Update (5/2024) (She Lives!)
Ep. 281: TV Sign-Offs Vol. 2 (Nocturnal Emissions)
Season 12.5
Ep. 281.1: Ben's Junk: Whole House FM Transmitter 3.0
Ep. 281.2: Ben Vs. The Cursed U-Matic Tape
Ep. 281.3: Archive Thrifting #30: Wet Fireworks
Ep. 281.4: Ben's Junk: A Tower of Vidicraft
Season 13
Ep. 282: How I Spent My Summer XI (Sold(i)ering On...)
Ep. 282.1: Quasar Great Time Machine (Round 2?)
Ep. 282.2: Ben's Junk: My First DVD's
Ep. 282.3: Ben's Junk: JamC@m Digital Camera
Ep. 282.4: Archive Thrifting #31: Summer's End
Ep. 283: Record Ripoffs Vol 14 (The 70's Strike Back)
Ep. 283.1: More Fun With Moldy U-Matic Tapes
Ep. 283.2: Ben's Junk: :CueCat Barcode Scanner
Ep. 283.3: Ben's Junk: Sencore "Little Huey" Test Pattern Generator
Ep. 284: Surréalist Sinéma (Silent Movie Day 2024)
Ep. 284.1: Ben's Junk: Casio CMD-10 Watch (TV/VCR Controller)
Ep. 284.2: Ben's Junk: Laserviews Laserdisc Magazines
Ep. 284.3: Archive Thrifting #32: Halloween Hootenanny
Ep. 284.4: Halloween Special 2023 (Season of the Wince) (COMMENTARY)
Ep. 285: Halloween Special 2023 (Season of the Wince) ("In-House" Feed)
Ep. 285.1: Ben's Junk: Realistic Astronaut 8 Radio
Ep. 285.2: Ben's Junk: Down Beat Magazine (10/23/1975)
Ep. 285.3: Ben's Junk: Thanksgiving Traditions (and not-so-traditions)
Ep. 286: OA's Greatest VHS Tapes (Thanksgiving Special 2024)
Ep. 286.1: Ben's Junk: VHS is Life Mold Cleaning Rig (REDUX)
Ep. 286.2: Archive Thrifting #33: Christmas Clutter
Ep. 287: Stocking Stinkers (Christmas Special 2024)
Ep. 287.1: Ben's Junk: Epiphone ED-100NS Acoustic Guitar
Ep. 287.2: Ben's (Failed) Gimmick CD (A Rant)
Ep. 287.3: Ben's Junk: NuReality Vivid 3D (Mock Surround Sound Processor)
Ep. 287.4: Ben's Junk: Optoma PK320 Pico Pocket Projector
Ben's Junk
VHS Vault
Record Ripoffs
Archive Riffs
Episode Commentaries
Archive Thrifting
Ben's Music "Career"
History of VHS
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics (9/13/2016)
Sergei’s Catacomb of Classics (Halloween Edition!) (KLAK-AM 10/31/2016 – 9-10 A.M.)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics (Christmas Edition) (12/24/2016)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics (Valentine's Day(-ish) Edition) (2/9/2017)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics (6/1/2017)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics (12/22/2017 - Christmas Special 2017)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics (6/14/2018 - Sergei Lovin')
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics #8: Hot Sergei In The Summertime (6/6/2019)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics #9: This Is Where Sergei Begins (6/11/2020)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics #10: New Year's Eve Special (12/31/2020)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics #11: Always On Sergei's Mind (7/1/2021)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics #12: Sail Away With Sergei (6/16/2022)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics #13: Lucky Thirteen (6/29/2023)
Sergei's Catacomb of Classics #14: Dipp Cotts (Deep Cuts) (6/13/2024)
OA Soundtrack (Music From The Oddity Archives)
OA Soundtrack Commercial (K-Tel Parody)
Ask The Archive (LIVE - Sept. 5, 2013)
Ask The Archive (LIVE - June 27, 2014)
Ask The Archive Live (9/14/2018)
Impromptu Review: Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas
Rejuvenique Contest Winner Announcement (10/20/2015)
Record Ripoffs Commercial Parodies (Vol. 1-9)
Pavanned (Oddity Archive Theme)
Ben Vs. The Storage Unit (A Mini-Documentary)
About The Archive
Episode 145:
VHS Vault Vol. 13 (Movin' Out)
Premiered March 15, 2018.
No Billy Joel songs were harmed in the making of this episode.
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