Episode 125:
Going (Proto-)Mobile!
(Sony Data Discman & Apple Newton)
Premiered May 11, 2017.
With all this talk of so-called “mobile devices” these days, it seemed worth taking a look into.
NOTE: Apologies for the extra soft video on this one. It was especially dark the day this was recorded (weather-wise) and despite using every light I've got, maximum exposure and low-lux, everything still wound up with a serious case of carpetvision.
Also, in my attempts at keeping my reactions as fresh and real as possible, I took only one pass at the Apple Newton test segments--thing is, I apparently can't operate a Newton and keep an eye on the camcorder shot at the same time. I've done my best to annotate the words the Newton was throwing back at me.
With all this talk of so-called “mobile devices” these days, it seemed worth taking a look into.
NOTE: Apologies for the extra soft video on this one. It was especially dark the day this was recorded (weather-wise) and despite using every light I've got, maximum exposure and low-lux, everything still wound up with a serious case of carpetvision.
Also, in my attempts at keeping my reactions as fresh and real as possible, I took only one pass at the Apple Newton test segments--thing is, I apparently can't operate a Newton and keep an eye on the camcorder shot at the same time. I've done my best to annotate the words the Newton was throwing back at me.